Ask and you shall receive!

Here’s a teaser of what we’re building for you, the users!


First, a message for the JAFA team:
(TOM TO WRITE - NO BS) Thank you for your patience and feedback, the whole reason we started this app was to give football fans control of their own environment. We want to build and grow with you, so the choice is always yours. You’ve gave us some amazing so far and we wanted to show you a little of what’s going on behind the scenes here at JAFA HQ.



Why? We want you to find the content you love in the quickest way possible. Discover is the JAFA home page, here you will get the latest news, see trending posts, join growing communities, answer polls and skip to your favourites, faster!  


Giving true power back to passionate fans! We know that the social feed has its issues, you the users have told us this. You want a space to communicate with your fellow supporters? That’s exactly what we’re giving you, communities!


Rewarding users in a whole new way! Levels will soon become ‘Score’, your score will be determined by how much engagement you create. Of course, not all engagement is positive, moderators will guide users in creating better content and kick out the bad ones…

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